Michelle Malkin

Oh noes!

There's a new "gate" that seems to be spreading around the far-right blogotubes...

It appears as if Senator Obama -- shock, horror! -- said that America isn't presently what it once was. Gasp! Naturally, Malkin and Limbaugh and the rest are using this quote to attack Senator Obama's patriotism.

Yeah, because there isn't a multi-trillion-dollar war on right now; there isn't a recession; there isn't skyrocketing inflation; a weakened dollar; trillions in debt; a climate crisis; a record budget deficit of $400 billion.

So... I suppose America is exactly what it once was eight years ago: Enjoying relative peace and prosperity with a budget surplus and a strong economy. Wow. I've really been reading the wrong news items all these years.

Back to the obviously horrible quote from Senator Obama. Here's another one in which he implies that America isn't great any more:

For those who have abandoned hope, we'll restore hope and we'll welcome them into a great national crusade to make America great again!

That bastard! America great again?! Why isn't it great now?! Arg! Oh wait. Sorry. That was a quote from Ronald Reagan's 1980 Republican convention acceptance speech.

This country doesn't have to be in the shape that it is in. We do not have to go on sharing in scarcity with the country getting worse off.

The country getting worse off? Oh noes! So said Ronald Reagan. 1980 presidential debate.


