Pundit Watchdog

O'Reilly is "Misinformer of the Year"

Falafel with extra liar

Media Matters has determined that Bill O'Reilly is the 2004 "Misinformer of the Year" with a total of 70 documented instances of passing off lies as "spin-free" truth.

Connect the splotches:

Among O'Reilly's most egregiously false and misleading claims were false assertions that President Bush did not oppose the 911 Commission; repeated declarations of an Iraq-Al Qaeda link; and one instance where O'Reilly fabricated a Paris newspaper to support his claim of a successful French boycott. In other instances, O'Reilly promoted falsehoods about the tax structure, economy, and the American electorate.

And he's the most popular prime time pundit. Thank goodness American TV viewers don't repeat what they hear on -- oh crap.