Pundit Watchdog

O'Reilly on bloggers, Air America

Here's some choice quotes from last night's O'Splotchy fest:

HUGH HEWITT [AUTHOR]: Now Daily Kos says, this is one of the bloggers from the left, says he disclosed it, but not to the satisfaction of anyone who watches him. I didn't know.

O'REILLY: Aw, this is bunk. This is bull. Nobody knew about this.

HEWITT: That's right.

As Kos pointed out this morning:

Nobody? ABC News knew about it, Salon knew about it, Online Journalism Review knew about it, the San Francisco Chronicle knew about it, Wired knew about it, New York Times Magazine knew about it, American Journalism Review knew about it, everyone who visited my site in the summer and fall of 2003 knew about it. And I got those links with about 5 minutes of Googling.

Shame on Hewitt, who just wrote a book about blogs. Well informed author, this Hewitt guy. Then O'Reilly ripped into the perfectly legal and ethical funding of private enterprise:

O'REILLY: Then you've got George Soros, he's paying a lot more than that to have these defamation websites that attack people all day long. Then you've got guys pumping Air America, that radio network. That's not profitable; that's running on money from some crazy left-wing nut. And, I mean, it's getting out of control, is it not?

Replace "Air America" with "Fox News" and George Soros with "Rupert Murdoch". And "crazy left-wing nut" with "crazy right-wing nut". Also, I misquoted O'Reilly last night. I used the word "nutjob" in the article below.

O'REILLY: All right, but here's the danger, and I've just been through this, OK? You've got websites, as you call them Black Ops websites, who will print defamation. All right, that's what they're in the business to do. They'll fabricate stuff, they'll make stuff up, they print it.

All the stuff he's talking about is stuff that he and his network have been engaging in since the Clinton presidency. It's remarkable -- the delusion.

O'REILLY: No, but you're not going to lose credibility if you smear people. People like to read smear stuff.

Does he mean smear stuff like "crazy left-wing nuts"?

Falafel with extra liar