
Outreach: Steve King Edition


Sure, secret border control agent Steve King’s “calves the size of cantaloupes” routine may have ruffled a few feathers at the time but, according to King, he was absolutely right and he’s not apologizing.

via Right Wing Watch

In an interview with the Spencer, Iowa, Daily Reporter posted on YouTube today, King continued to lash out at his critics, saying, “they cannot make a point about anything I said that was anything other than true.” He added that his detractors just “call names and criticize the utilization of the language.”

In fact, King claimed that his infamous “cantaloupes” comment was actually an intentional and successful policy move. “Sometimes, I’ve made the point for years and they weren’t listening, so I’ve found another way to get them to pay attention,” he said. “For example, Dick Durbin, as far as I know, no longer describes the DREAMers as ‘valedictorians.’ We’ve corrected that major flaw and sometimes we have to, otherwise it distorts the public’s understanding.”

Yes, we wouldn’t want people to think that DREAMers are just as capable of becoming valedictorians as naturalized citizens are. This is a “major flaw” in the public’s understanding. The public needs to understand that DREAMers are leeches with calves the size of cantaloupes, not valedictorians.

Thanks for clearing that up, Steve.