Sarah Palin

Palin the Narcissist

Kevin Drum notes Sarah Palin's weird obsession with the interim White House Chief of Staff, Pete Rouse. In particular, CNN reports about a particularly bizarre accusation by Palin against Rouse:

She also accuses him of lifting Obama's "change" slogan from her own gubernatorial campaign in 2006.

"Every part of our campaign shouted 'Change!'" she wrote. "We were amused a couple of years later when Barack Obama, one of whose senior advisers (come to think of it) had roots in Alaska — adopted the same theme," she wrote in reference to Rouse.


Sarah Palin thinks she invented the "change" campaign theme in 2006.

Up. Her. Own. Ass.

Hey, SarahPalinUSAFuckYeahandApplePieAlso, you didn't invent "change." Sorry. One of many examples of previous usages of "change" here.