Sarah Palin

Palin's Egyptian Word Salad

Tell me this doesn't sound like the bullshitted-on-the-spot nonsense spewed out by a knuckleheaded doofwit in high school social studies class.

"Mubarak, he's gone, one way or the other. He is not going to be the leader of Egypt. That's a given," Palin said. "So now the information needs to be gathered and understood as to who it will be that fills now the void in the government. Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that or by that. Any radical Islamists, no that is not who we should be supporting and standing by. So we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support. [...] We need to know what it is that America stands for, so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information yet."

It's like Brick Tamland just blurting out things he sees in the room. Someone told her the words "stand" and "standing by" before the spot and so every sentence has "standing by" in there.

I love lamp.