
“Papers Please” in Utah

Could Utah possibly have a problem so bad that it requires special legislation to ask brown people for their papers, or is this just pandering at the expense of a minority?

(Reuters) - Utah's governor on Tuesday signed a package of immigration laws including one that would allow a police crackdown on illegal immigrants similar to Arizona's attempt last year.

The laws, approved by Utah's Republican-controlled legislature earlier this month, also would attempt to create a guest worker program. [...]

But immigration experts said the new Utah laws, except for enforcement, are more show than substance.

"The guest worker stuff is entirely meaningless. It is like a college creating a nuclear free zone. It's meaningless. A state cannot create a guest worker program," said Steven Camarota, research director of the pro-enforcement Center for Immigration Studies think-tank in Washington.

Yes, if we just take care of those brown people -- all of our societal and economic problems will be solved!

I have a secret for Americans -- Our economy is artificially inflated by illegal laborers. If they all packed up and left tomorrow, all of your favorite restaurants would close, there would be no clean hotel rooms, there would be no fruit or vegetables at the grocery, and your car would not be washed.