
Paul Ryan Wants Your Money

This analysis of the Republican Medicare plan is staggering.

By 2030, both the CBO and CBPP estimate, the Republican voucher proposal would cost nearly $9,000 more per beneficiary than Medicare. The great bulk of that—over $8,000—would be shifted to the beneficiary. In other words, all of us who are disabled or retired as of 2030. Those costs would increase because the Republican plan does nothing to contain costs, so as they rise the proposed voucher won't keep up, and an increasing burden is placed on enrollees. Which, by the way, is exactly what Rep. Paul Ryan wants.

Holy crapola. Paul Ryan and the Republicans want each of us to pony up another $8,000 -- every year. But we can't touch tax rates for the super rich. The Republicans are saying, once again, that working and middle class Americans have to pay up -- but don't touch the rich.