
PETA Teams Up With Birther Sheriff Arpaio

Written by SK Ashby

What do People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and infamous birther Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio have in common?

Neither of them believe in serving meat to prisoners.

via ThinkProgress

“When we heard about the vegetarian jail in Maricopa County, that’s 8,300 people a day not eating meat and it’s a wonderful example for other jails around the country that could have health impacts on the inmates as well as saving taxes,” PETA’s Senior Vice President Dan Mathews told ThinkProgress. “[In terms of] duration, the food just doesn’t spoil and it’s an efficient wonderful program and we believe that prisoners are the ideal crowds to learn about a less violent diet and a more healthful diet.”

The Maricopa jail system under the supervision of Joe Arpaio could hardly be described as a "wonderful example" regardless of what they serve at meal time.

Arpaio's jails are known for housing inmates in tents, shackling them to walls (including forcing pregnant women to give birth in shackles), forcing every inmate to wear pink underwear, and killing army veterans. Arpaio and his department have also been sued by the Department of Justice for racial profiling and abuse.

Birther posse honcho Joe Arpaio will be joined by former Baywatch and homemade video co-star PETA spokesperson Pamela Anderson at a news conference today where they will promote meat-free meals for every prison.

No word on if PETA and Arpaio will promote shackling pregnant women in every prison.