The Media

Political Science

Following up on a "scientific method" metaphor I wrote yesterday in my Huffington Post item.

So the corporate media treat the Republicans like the control group... They're allowed to stand pat and be far-right reactionary conservatives without much of a challenge on their positions from the media.

Meanwhile, liberals, progressives and Democrats are the experimental group -- our positions are poked and prodded by the corporate media until some of us (not naming names) shift to the center or center-left.

The same goes for crazy statements caught on tape. Chris Matthews yesterday referred to Senator McCain's "kill them with weaponized cigarettes" remark as McCain's "antics." Yes, "antics." The control group. Leave it alone. Don't challenge it. But when Senator Obama uses an off-script word to describe a trip to Iraq, suddenly everyone goes batshit claiming that his position is changing. Experimental group. Add pundit spit and watch for physical reactions.