
Poll: Snyder Bests Walker

Against all the odds, De Fuhrer, Rick Snyder, has bested both John Kasich of Ohio and Scott Walker of Wisconsin as todays most unpopular governor.

Not that it comes as a shock now that Snyder has established dictatorial rule to oversee the state's borderline fascist austerity measures.

A new Public Policy Polling survey shows that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) has fallen out of favor with his state's residents even more than Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) have lost favor with their state's residents.

Key finding: Just 33% of voters approve of Snyder's job performance, with 50% disapproving. Additionally, respondents said if they could vote all over again, they'd pick Snyder's opponent Virg Bernero (D), 47% to 45%

Aren't you glad you didn't vote, America? Aren't you glad that you stayed home, or voted for a Republican, just to punish Democrats because 30 years of damage wasn't undone in 2?

On the bright side, the Republican governors of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida just may hand the next election to the Democrats on a silver platter.