

When I say that the tremendous amount of money spent on this election was not a waste because we won, and because we made an enormous amount of progress in the process, it feels like an understatement.

In Maryland, voters approved marriage equality by a margin of 4 percent. In Maine, voters approved marriage equality by a margin of 6 percent. And in Washington, voters approved marriage equality by a margin of 4 percent.

In Minnesota, voters also defeated an amendment to ban same-sex marriage by a margin of 3 percent.

The citizens of Wisconsin voted to elected the nation's first openly-gay senator, Tammy Baldwin, who will now join 20 other women in the Senate. And out of the five women elected to the senate on Tuesday, four of them are Democrats. This marks the highest number of women in the Senate in our history.

In the House of Representatives the Democratic Caucus will not be majority white male for the first time in history. And in total, 78 women will be sworn into the House during the next session of congress, which is also a record high.

In New Hampshire, the entire state will soon be represented by an all-women delegation and governor.

Voters in Colorado and Washington also voted to legalize the recreational use of Marijuana.

The challenge for Democrats, and for those who support social progress, is to ensure that we do not lose the ground we have gained in 2014 during the next midterm election cycle. And for now we should all take solace and enjoy the holiday season, but as soon as the next session of congress begins, the fight will be on to turn back the clock.

We cannot afford to be complacent or take a long honeymoon just as many did in 2009, nor can we allow some of the more unreasonable voices on our own side to impede pragmatic progress.

Elizabeth Warren declares victory. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)