President-elect Barack Obama

Progressive Or Centrist: You Make The Call


Obama's legislative priorities are not little poll-tested mini-initiatives like school uniforms and tax rebates. He's calling for the biggest investment in infrastructure since the 1950's, the biggest health-care reform since the 1960's, the biggest energy-policy change since the car replaced the horse and buggy. He's on record supporting the most pro-union legislation in generations and the most pro-choice legislation ever, period. He promises to remove all combat forces from Iraq on an aggressive schedule, and he promises to end torture, restore habeas corpus, and dismantle Guantanamo.

I don't know what planet you have to live on to see these policies as anti-progressive, or disrespectful to progressives.

Peh. Bushie.

If he achieves only half of what he's planning, I don't think any of us will be wringing our hands over the Joe Lieberman thing or the FISA thing or the Robert Gates thing. But if he suddenly drops his agenda in lieu of small centrist rudderless hop-scotching, then get in line behind me in the Furious Anger Queue. Though I seriously don't think that'll happen.