
Pundits Wrong Again

Posted by JumpyPants

Watching John King and the Republican pundits on CNN's post-debate-extended-AC360-boffo-smash-think-tank-of-best-political-teamness-on-tv, you heard over and over again how Sarah Palin "did what she needed to do," which was "shore up a wavering base."

Sorry, guys, but no.

That's not what all yours and everybody's polls say. Not at all. Sarah Palin has no problem with the base -- sure, some elite Republican strategists and columnists are deeply deeply concerned about her (purely for the reason that she is election cancer). But the base -- the people that show up for the rallies and chant "USA, USA!" as if it's hockey time at the Olympics -- those people love her.

Sarah had to shore up the mass exodus of independents, Hillary Dems, and women in general who have been running hard in the opposite direction from the endless stream of lies and meaninglessness that she's constantly projectile vomiting everywhere.

People who have tanning beds and repeat stock lies over and over again and wink a lot at you don't seem "presidential", they seem "car salesman-idential". And that's really all she is, a big phony huckster.

And the people that she needed to get tonight, if anything, she drove further away. The snap polls showed it, and they are a harbinger of more blood -- watch, and you'll see.

The same pundits who so desperately kept repeating that McCain won/it was a tie last Friday were, by Monday, proven dead wrong. They will be again. Sarah Palin didn't do jack.