
Quote of the Day

"So to me, what’s interesting about it is that this catastrophe that occurred and the manmadeness of it, there wasn’t a single – there is no conspiracy single bad person that you can say "It all goes on them." It’s us.

This is what we are capable of doing if we delude ourselves with an arrogance that we don’t have to pay much attention to what the climate, and what the land, and the environment is trying to tell us. We can look at these plants that grow that far from the ground and send roots five feet down and say, "We can turn these over and plant wheat and everything will be fine." Well, it doesn’t work that way. It just doesn’t. And you’re gonna get caught up and somebody’s gonna pull your undies at some point on it, on the Great Plains particularly." Dayton Duncan, producer of the new Ken Burns documentary, The Dust Bowl

There's a parallel here to the continued apathy regarding the climate crisis -- especially in the face of the extreme weather of the last 10 years. I fear that instead of changing our lifestyles and investing in clean energy, we'll simply hunker down and invest in infrastructure to protect us from the climate catastrophe that's underway -- instead of demanding immediate changes in how we consume energy, we'll simply move our houses farther from the coast.