
Quote of the Day

"What is absolutely true is I think in this country, there's no reason why, if you get sick you should go bankrupt. The notion that that's a radical principle, I don't think the majority of people would agree with you." President Obama to Bill O'Reilly on Sunday

This president is very smart.

It's remarkable how "wealth redistribution," which O'Reilly was asking about, is so astonishing to the far-right all of a sudden. The American economy is built around wealth redistribution. Everyone's tax money is tossed into the mix together and it pays for everything from the very rich defense contractor, to the tax breaks for corporations and rich people, to social services for the very poor. A certain level of "socialism" is baked into the system here. The fact that the far-right is so kerfuffled by it show how ass-backwards and misinformed they are.