
Quote of the Day

"You know, it's fun to make these equivalences, and I'm sure that Jon Stewart will dutifully dredge up a couple of examples of Code Pink yelling something at Donald Rumsfeld to prove that liberals are just as bad. And liberals will dutifully pull back and be more polite while conservatives will laugh and laugh and laugh. But it's bullshit." Digby reacting to an article about hecklers at CPAC in which the reporter employs the "both sides have hecklers" meme

Hell yeah!

Digby continues by adding...

Let's face it, lefties may get intemperate and hurl some tough rhetoric from time to time but it's the wingnuts who make a profit at it. And just like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, it's the nasty derisive junk like this that flies off the shelves:

What? No Obama Aunt Jemima waffle batter this year?