
Real Tough Men

President Obama's recent announcement that young immigrants will no longer be deported if they meet certain criteria is not an executive order but rather a directive from the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department of Homeland Security will issue new guidelines prioritizing immigration enforcement, which tough guy Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he plans to ignore. You know, because there are children out there who need to be arrested.

Joe Arpaio, the controversial Arizona Sheriff from Maricaopa County, arrested a 6-year-old undocumented immigrant on Friday. The move came the same day President Obama announced a new policy halting deportations for young undocumented immigrants. [...]

Immediately following the President’s announcement Arpaio told a local ABC affiliate that it would not impact his approach toward young undocumented immigrants. “They will still be arrested,” he said.

Regardless of what the Department of Homeland Security says, super tough man Joe Arpaio is going to continue doing whatever he wants. And if that includes arresting a 6-year-old girl traveling with a group of other people, then that's what he's going to do.

On the bright side, this will probably lead to yet another lawsuit ontop of the one he's already facing from the Department of Justice.