Epic Fail

Reboot the Romneybot Part 4

According to The Hill, the Romney campaign announced yet another change in strategy today during a conference call with reporters.

Mitt Romney's campaign on Monday said it would debut a new "change in message" that looked not just to criticize President Obama's record, but to paint a contrast for voters of the next four years.

"We are talking not only on the president's performance over the past four years, but the cost of his policies going forward," Romney adviser Ed Gillespie said during a conference call with reporters, repeatedly emphasizing that the campaign would argue "how four more years of the last four years is not going to be good for the American people."

By my count this marks the fourth time the Romney campaign has hit the reset button since the end of the convention cycle.

Previous attempts to reboot rOS6 were stalled by his "terrorist sympathizer" press conference on Libya and the "47 percent" video. And you never know what Romney may say or do tomorrow.