
Recent Accomplishments for your Dinner Table

Posted by JM Ashby

The festivities begin for me tonight at 6 p.m. with a bottle of Saki and a roll of Eel, but before the debauchery is kicked off, I would just like to take a moment to remind everyone of what has been accomplished by this administration in just the last two weeks.

If you encounter family members over the holidays who are unsure about President Obama, Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi, you can point out to them that during this lame duck session of congress, they have accomplished more than some administrations accomplish during their entire term in office.

START has been passed

DADT has been repealed

Food Safety Law passed

Healthcare for 9/11 first responders passed

One year extension of unemployment benefits passed

Extension of tax cuts for the middle class passed

Funding of the government passed -This should be a given but it isn't.

It should be noted that the tax cut compromise, while not perfect, allowed for the extension of unemployment benefits and continued tax cuts for the middle class. That compromise more than likely also enabled the passing of the new START and the repeal of DADT.

Nothing is perfect, but causing Republicans from coast to coast to go on the TeeVees and complain about being walked all over by Reid and Pelosi well, that's nearly perfect. And remember -we did not nationalize the banks, the healthcare industry, the auto industry, or the internets. John McCain needs to change his depends, gays have been showering with you all along, and the motto was "Yes we can" not "Yes I can." That should cover just about everything.

Have a happy holiday everyone, and dont shoot your eye out.