Sarah Palin

Release the Tapes!

Sarah Palin whined to the Daily Caller that her infamous doofery in the Katie Couric interview was selectively edited. She goes on to say that CBS shot "hours and hours" of videotape and only showed the parts in which she was "annoyed."

I'm not entirely sure if any TV news organization has aired "hours and hours" of footage, but okay. It's the age of the tubes, so let's see it, CBS. I second Sullivan's request for CBS to release all of the unaired Couric footage online.

And, to be totally frank, I'm salivating at the idea. I can't even imagine the stream of moronisms that we'd be treated to in the unedited footage. But Palin insists that the material that was aired is a poor representation of her prowess with the talking, so let's see all of it.

I'm sure it's brilliant.