Stupid Party Wingnuts

Rep. Jeff Duncan Asks the Important Questions

Is the Department of Homeland security stockpiling ammunition so they can attack Americans? Representative Jeff Duncan (R-SC) asks the important questions.

DUNCAN: You know, when Forbes Magazine or Drudge or some reputable news sources start to repeat the numbers…the numbers cease to become Internet rumors and they start having some credibility. I just ask, why was there a long delay or silence from the DHS for a period of time, almost three months, before y’all came forward saying these numbers aren’t correct, these are the actual facts. Why was there a delay or silence from your department?

Picard and Riker Facepalm

If it were me I would have laughed in his face, but Janet Napolitano was appropriately condescending instead.

NAPOLITANO: Well I don’t know about that, that there was that kind of delay, but I will tell you we found it so inherently unbelievable that those statements would be made it was hard to ascribe credibility to them. I don’t know if I’d put Forbes and Drudge in the same sentence.

No shit.

These are the consequences of media outlets such as Drudge, Fox News, and Hate Radio repeating stories that were churned out by the likes of Alex Jones and World Net Daily. Our regular deliberative process is bogged down and interrupted by wild fantasies and conspiracy theories given credence by moronic congresscritters who believe everything you read on the internet is true.

Jeff Duncan debuted a similar theory last week when he claimed that expanding the background check system would turn the United States into Rwanda.

[H/T ThinkProgress]