
Republican Corporate Caliphate!

Posted by JM Ashby

"Dear Corporate America, we would like to apologize for what we would consider to be a shakedown." -Republicans

WASHINGTON – From large manufacturers to a small electric company, businesses complained Thursday about costly government rules at a forum provided by Republicans who are eager to slash federal regulations. Democrats protested that GOP lawmakers only wanted to hear about the burdens of regulation, not the benefits to public health and worker safety.

Witnesses at a House hearing complained about regulations on endangered species, excessive paperwork, anti-pollution standards and much more. Red tape was blamed for denying water to drought-stricken fields, for costing a contractor $10,000 for an unneeded lead inspection and for complicating student loans to minorities.

Yeah, we better cut down that hammock which is supporting those lazy endangered species who have lost their homes to deforestation and the pillage of the environment. They should have to find their own way like the rest of us! We don't need anti-pollution standards either. The cost of healthcare will go down if people would simply die quicker! And who needs lead inspection? Providing care to people who have been poisoned creates jobs!

Unlike Glenn Beck's caliphate of socialists, commies, and islamists, the Republican corporate caliphate is very real and a much larger threat to the country than any religion, terrorist, or billionaire philanthropist.