Republican Party

Republicans Hate Taxes, Love Taxes

The wingnuts are insane. Or I am.

From PPP in the comments:

Charlie Sykes (Con talk radio host in Milwaukee) complained all Thursday about the lazy mooches who didn't pay any taxes last year. As an EMPLOYEE of WTMJ, Charlie whined that America was punishing the risk takers and rewarding the lazy people.

Bob, people actually called in and agreed with him! Okay, I get the small business owner who might be one of the lucky few of those earning enough to not have to pay a Federal tax for 2009, but most of these people calling in were factory workers, carpenters, and people who obviously earned not enough to have to pay taxes, and they were calling themselves risk takers, hard working Americans, and they were being robbed....while, if the stats are correct, almost half of them PAID NO TAXES!

But I held a special contempt for Charlie Sykes who just couldn't stop calling a family of 4 earning less than $50,000 a year parasites, lazy!

The rhetoric has indeed reached this point, Bob, where a talk radio moron can call a $20/hr factory worker a lazy parasite, and have callers agree with him, because that lazy factory worker with his lazy family of four didn't earn enough money to pay taxes.

Dammit! He should get a job! What a lazy motherfucker! I suppose that factory worker only works forty-five hours a week! What is he doing with the other 123 hours??!! You can't tell me that he can't find two more jobs! What a lazy, communist, socialist, marxist, nazi, fascist pig!

It's really staggering. I wish the Democrats were more actively calling attention to this. The Republicans are one big contradiction. The middle class gets a tax cut, and earnings are low due to the recession, so some families didn't have to pay any taxes this year. The Republicans are against this. They're against tax cuts.

And yet these self-contradictory nincompoops are going to win a crapload of seats in the Fall? What the goddamn hell is going on?