The Media

Run On Black Roses And Luggage

Maybe we in the blogotube-o-sphere ought to buy black roses and luggage for them as they fall. TRex documents the wingnut In Memoriam (cue sad music):

1. Michelle Malkin fired from “The O’Reilly Factor”.

2. Ann Coulter’s book sales tanking and her credit cards getting declined by Publix.

3. Melamine Misstatement fired from her job.

4. Tucker Carlson tossed out on his amply padded backside.

5. And now Jumpin’ John Gibson being taken away to be rendered into fat for cheap tallow candles for The Poor or whatever.

Some people may call this an unrelated chain of business-related layoffs, or Conservative Media’s flailing efforts to adapt to the times. Me, I just see it as Progress.

Limbaugh and O’Reilly are next. Hannity, too. It will be a beautiful day when all these bloviating turds have to suck dicks in a bus station bathroom for change. Tick…tick…tick…

Go here to buy the black roses. Try Costco for the luggage.