Senator Barack Obama

Rush Limbaugh Is A Dumb Stupid

This is perhaps one of his most ignorant, racist rants -- and considering his history, it's really hard to pick a top five. But Limbaugh simply doesn't get it. He doesn't understand American history. Or -- he does and he's being deliberately stupid.

Reason the first: he assumes that all African Americans are angry, poor and uneducated. Wrong.

Reason the second: he's overlooking 300 years of craptastical treatment of African Americans here. Craptastical treatment that's continuing right damn now. Slavery doesn't even begin to cover it.

What about neoslavery that lasted into the 1980s? What about the Lost Cause mythology that demonized black people as raping, shiftless drunkards -- a stereotype that spread into all forms of popular culture from movies to consumer products, and thus was permanently tattooed into the minds of white Americans -- even now? What about segregation, Limbaugh?

What about Jim Crow laws, Limbaugh? What about the disenfranchisement of thousands of black voters in Florida in 2000? What about the Republican Party ginning up racism with their so-called Southern Strategy?

What about the present day attempt to paint Senator Obama -- the only black U.S. Senator -- as somehow foreign, or radical, or exotic, or salacious, or as a terrorist?

You tell me, Limbaugh, what other ethnic group in America has been subject to this degree of humiliation and subjugation?