Election 2012

Santorum Intends to Take This to the Convention

There's a new memo from the Santorum campaign indicating a delegate strategy that could lead to a brokered convention. And it makes me smile the smile of all smiles.

The Santorum campaign has attacked Mitt Romney in recent days for arguing that delegate math makes his ultimate nomination a fait accompli. “This isn’t about math,” Santorum said Sunday, “this is about vision, it’s about leadership.” But on Monday Santorum returned with his own set of numbers, detailed in a strategy memo outlining the former senator’s path to the nomination; in short, an intricate interpretation of the delegate count.

The memo, written by John Yob, a recent hire by the campaign to oversee its delegate strategy, echoes the argument Santorum has been pushing in recent days: that he has vision and delegate math on his side, and that Romney is too weak to seal the deal. [...]

Yob argues time is on Santorum’s side, and says his campaign should embrace, rather than fear, a drawn-out campaign. The memo also argues, as Santorum stressed over the weekend, that the delegate allotment is not set in stone. Yob uses the example of Iowa to prove that Santorum could end up with more delegates than currently predicted since delegates from caucus states are generally allotted at state conventions

Who wants popcorn?