Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is Screwing the IRS

Posted by JumpyPants

From the AP via TPM comes yet-another-why-am-I-not-surprised story about Sarah and Todd Palin not paying taxes on her per diems, and doing a lot of other barely legal crap based around Todd's dual "careers" as a fisherman and a snowmobile racer.

For the 2007 tax year, Todd Palin's self-employment brought him $66,893 in gross receipts — $49,893 from fishing and $17,000 from snowmachine racing. But, the returns show, he claimed so many deductions that he reported only $15,513 net profit from the fishing operation and claimed a $9,639 loss from his racing, leaving him with an overall net income of only $5,874.

Amazingly, Todd sucks really bad at running a snowmobile racing business! What would Lynn Cheney say?!

Here's my favorite line from the piece:

"This is a lady who screams about everyone in federal government taking advantage, and she's taking every advantage she can," said Sheldon Cohen, IRS commissioner in the Johnson administration.

I feel like it's pathetic that I'm even writing this. Honestly, the nominee for the #2 spot in our federal government (from the party in the WH no less) is screwing same federal government on her income tax, and her husband looks like he's running a scam involving a snowmobile racing business. Imagine pitching this idea to Aaron Sorkin as a plotline on The West Wing. How fast would you get fired from that writing staff?

Is this not just staggering to the entire world? This woman wants to be President, and there is an actual chance that she could be!!!!

If this is not reason to donate or volunteer, I don't know what is.