Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Loves All of the Founders Equally

Probably because she couldn't think of anyone specifically. Until, that is, she came up with the most obvious one. George Washington. And why Washington? Because he went back to Mount Vernon and gave power back to the people. Wow. Such insight!

The savior of the conservative movement, folks. She could barely handle a softball question from Glenn Beck.

Adding... You know, this ridiculously childish answer might actually be more insightful than Bush's. If you recall, when asked by a reporter about George Washington, Bush replied, "That's George Washington, the first president, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three--three or four books about him. Isn't that interesting?" Yep. This brainiac was the president for eight years.

Also... These people think Sarah Palin is super smart and articulate. Oh, and President Obama destroyed Wall Street, apparently. Though if you look carefully, Sean Hannity seems to barely take himself seriously anymore. Either way, it's all pure fantasy and delusion.