Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Promotional Spot (Version 1)


(She stands with her back to us, set against a big, blue sky)
Announcer: The Shnook of the North has sallied forth and taken the world by storm!
She's the biggest thing since white bread---and just as nutritious!
She left 'em hangin' in Alaska and keeps us guessin' in the lower 48 but there's no mystery as to what she's up to now!
She's rollin' in green and White House bound!
She's raided the giftin' rooms!
She's slashed her speakin' fee!
She's lowered the intellectual bar even further than W (holy cow!) and passed the savin's onto you!
What's that you say?
She's not qualified?
She's a teabaggin' tease all too eager to please the noxious seas of right wing sleaze?
Why, sir, you can just go straight to hell!
'Cause she's got a wink in her eye and a hand on the fly of every red blooded white skinned American guy from the lobsters of Maine to the horses of Kentuck-eye!
She's Ayn Rand's wet dream and Milton Friedman's egg cream!
She's tanned as Boehnor, rested as Thompson and ready to roll out the whale blubber and the hubba-hubba!
An' she won't stop book learnin' till she reaches her goal!
While the Liberal Jew media is all a-kvetchin' our Lady of the Hopey-Changey is all a you-betchin!
And with 0'10 coming and Mitt gearing up, its time to rattle your ol' teacup!
So pack your bags, you bad ol' Obama, 'cause here comes Fox's own Red State Mama!
(She turns to us, smiles, winks and shoots us a thumb's-up)
Sarah: You betcha!
(paid for by the Committee to Elect Sarah Palin)

[Bumped to the top. -Bob, 3/6/10]