
Scary Wingnuts

John Amato found a really psychotic wingnut at Free Republic:

Here’s a sample of the kind of attacks Obama will be facing because of his win in Iowa. It’s pretty disturbing.

Did the weakest Dem candidate for the general election won tonight? I think so. By sending forth Hussein Osama out of Iowa, Democrats have unwittingly weakened their general election prospects.

Hussein’s exotic mixture of radical liberalism, Kwanzaa Socialism, antipathy towards the unborn, and weakness against his jihadi brethren will all come back to destroy him against almost any Republican opponent, even the snake-grope from Hope.

I think we as Republicans should be celebrating tonight at the coronation of Hussein, in whose presence millions of Democrat women, from elementary school teachers to journalism majors to law school grads to dykes on bikes will go weak in their knees.

As defenders of this great Republic, and of the pinnacle of Western civilization that it represents, we should all come together tonight and agree on a common strategy that will keep the White House from becoming a madrassa.

God Bless America, Land of the Free.

What the hell is "Kwanzaa Socialism"? Is it me, or does it read like there's an unspoken n-word between every line?