Worst Persons

Schmuck of the Day

During the debate last night between Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh and Tammy Duckworth, Walsh held up a photo of Duckworth picking out a dress.

“I was marching in a parade in Schaumburg (Ill.), Sunday, two days before the Democratic convention,” Walsh said, holding up the photo, “when Tammy Duckworth was on a stage down in Charlotte (N.C.) — if you can look at the picture — picking out a dress for her speech Tuesday night.”

Ha! Get it? She was picking out a dress! She's a woman! HA!

Walsh alleged that Duckworth was more interested in how she looks than in the issues, which is rich considering she literally lost limbs for her country while Joe Walsh was skipping out on child support payments.

I was ready to be angry at this story until I read Duckworth's retort.

“And yes, I do sometimes look at the clothes that I wear,” she said. “But for most of my adult life, I’ve worn one color — it’s called camouflage.”

I have no qualms in saying that Joe Walsh is a disgraceful piece of shit.

Duckworth is currently leading Walsh in the polls by 10 percent.