Republican Party

Searching for the Republican Netroots

Boehlert is following the hilarity.

Here's my theory... New media is all about interactivity and instant feedback. This dynamic -- the very nature of new media -- doesn't help the far-right considering that many of their more extreme positions are easily debunked by, well, facts and their wingnuttiest and hacktastical voices are so far removed from reality that, in the context of the snarky tubes, they end up looking self-satirical (see Assrocket or the Right Brothers).

So the far-right needs to remain insulated from unfriendlies, which is why talk radio is a more comfortable format -- calls can be screened and reality can be obfuscated. In other words, it's a lot easier to suggest that the president-elect is a terrorist on a talk radio show where, you know, a tidal wave of facts won't get in the way of the lies.