
Sen. Hatch Thinks Kagan Should Recuse

Posted by JM Ashby

This notion that Kagan is not only biased in regards to HCR, but that Roberts, Thomas, and Scalia somehow wouldn't be, is so ridiculous I have trouble even repeating it. Here is Sen. Orrin Hatch:

WASHINGTON – Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, an opponent of the recently enacted health care overhaul, says Justice Elena Kagan should not take part in the widely expected Supreme Court consideration of the new law.

...Hatch said he is sure that Kagan participated in discussions about the law and challenges to it while she served in the Justice Department as Obama's top Supreme Court lawyer. Hatch told Fox News that he believes Kagan "should recuse herself," although he noted the justice alone will make that determination.

Kagan should recuse herself? Shouldn't Roberts, Thomas, and Scalia do the same then? Their history of paling around with the Tea Party, The Koch Brothers, and other corporate entities is well documented.