Senator Barack Obama

Senator Obama Responds To Attacks

Everything Senator Obama said was 100 percent true.

I swear -- if we don't start going after the Republicans RIGHT NOW, we'll be way behind the curve while they try to paint Senator Obama with the same lies. The "elitist, faggy, liberal snob" lies. And in November, we'll end up with another plain-spoken cowboy war monger in the White House. After all, mavericks are cowboys.

To that point, GottaLaff at Cliff Schecter's place sets the record straight on Senator McCain's wealth (and his Paris Hilton clone of a wife).

UPDATE: Sirota discovers a far worse McCain quote. And might I remind everyone in the cable news pundit set and everyone in the Clinton camp that Governor Rendell said -- point blank -- that conservative rural Democrats in Pennsylvania are RACISTS. That is, they won't vote for someone who is black.

All Senator Obama said was that Republicans have coerced votes from small town Pennsylvanians based on wedge issues like religion and guns. And there's this level of outcry? Oh please. Grow the fuck up, why don't you, you cable news hackocrats. Goddamn this pisses me off.

The obvious attempt to by FOX News and even Chuck Todd at MSNBC (on Countdown tonight) to seize upon this nuanced quote as a means by which to paint Senator Obama into their tired, hack "liberal elitist" script from elections past -- it's just the worst the "very serious" traditional media has to offer.

Everyone go dontate $20 to Senator Obama.

UPDATE THE SECOND: Oliver Willis makes a great point:

One wonders where all this media concern about elitism was when John McCain was raising millions of dollars in the home of a British Lord. [...] It’s intriguing that Dems are never supposed to voice any criticism of rural America (which isn’t what Sen. Obama did) but Republicans are allowed to insult San Francisco, Massachusetts, the coasts, etc. It’s like there’s a double standard or something.

And while Senator Obama wasn't criticising rural America (he was ripping on Republican "smear, fear and queer" tactics) this is absolutely a double-standard.