Sarah Palin

She Is Stupid

Posted by JumpyPants

Not only did Palin wrench in the "Say it ain't so, Joe" reference, which she clearly, as Bob pointed out, didn't understand from an historical perspective. But then right after that she, well, just read it:

Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again. You preferenced your whole comment with the Bush administration.

So first up, the old line from the kid to Shoeless Joe that she doesn't get. Second, the "there you go again" line from the Reagan/Carter debates that she also doesn't really get, and, to use one of her favorite words, blunders her way through it by restating "again", watering down the Reagan reference and making her seem extra dumb. And THEN she throws another idiot log on the conflagration of her own stupidity: "You preferenced your whole comment..."


She meant "prefaced," of course, but a 7-year old could tell you that.

What's staggering is that the transcript is rife with these malaprops, on top of the double-talk, the lies, and the semi-sensical litany of empty talking points in which nothing really gets said. And what's more staggering is the meme that she "stopped the bleeding."

If she were to do what she did in high school debate club, she'd be kicked out of the club. She is pathetic. Period.