Regular people are donating to the president's re-election campaign in record numbers.
According to an analysis by The Huffington Post, the Obama reelection campaign committee, Obama for America, pulled in at least 45 percent of its contributions from donors giving less than $200 during each of the fundraising quarters it was active in 2011.
In 2007-2008, there was only one quarter, from April through June 2008, during which the campaign pulled in more than 40 percent from these small donors. It never had a quarter or month where it raised 45 percent or more from small donors.
This is another strong indicator that the anti-Obama smearfest on the left is out of touch with the rest of the American left. Most Americans and, indeed, most of the left thinks President Obama has been an effective and admirable president worthy of a second term, and they're clearly not afraid to invest their money into the effort.