
Steve King Spooks Children with Abortion Talk

Posted by JM Ashby

A new year, a new congress. Let the floodgates of The Crazy open.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) proudly proclaimed in a recent interview with CNSNews.com that he will often bring up the question of abortion to kids as young as K-through-12 and tell them they must decide if human life is sacred or not.

Terry Jeffrey: When did Jesus get the right to life?

Rep. Steve King: He got the right to life when God conceived Him in the womb of Mary, and it's that simple and that plain and it's that profound.

Each one of us got the right to life at the instant of conception and we have that right to life until natural death.

I often go into a high school auditorium or meet with people at even the K-through-12 level in their entirety, and I will tell them: "You will be asked to answer one of the most profound moral questions of our age and that is where do you stand on the abortion issue. And you need to only ask and answer two questions. The first question is do you believe that human life is sacred in all of its forms. Is the person sitting to your left and to your right and everyone in this room, is their life sacred?" And they'll nod their heads.

Im not sure what kind of response King would expect from children other than a nod, but I suppose children are probably the only impressionable souls left in the world who will take him seriously so they are as good of an audience as any for him to spew dogmatic horseshit to.

I thought social conservatives were horrified by the notion of Big Government indoctrinating their children? It appears I thought wrong.