President-elect Barack Obama

'Stop Whining!'

BooMan on the lack of liberal blogosphere support for the Obama transition:

Obama's agenda is farther to the left than anything we've seen since at least Lyndon Johnson, and Congress has never in its history seen a Democratic Party so united in its leftward tilt. It doesn't matter whether Obama has centrists and moderate Republicans as part of his coalition. What matters is if he can unite (enough of) this country behind a common purpose to get things done.

People really need to stop whining and figure out how they can help.

Yeah, I really hope it's not going to be four-to-eight years in which our fellow liberal bloggers are standing around defiantly -- arms folded, incredulous glances -- waiting to be courted and appeased by the administration. Barack Obama has always been our best chance for liberal policies, and, as BooMan also documents here, that's precisely what the president-elect is planning so far.

(Incidentally, I'm exhausted with the whole progressive vs. liberal terminology thing, so I'm just going with liberal.)