
Sub-rational Hectoring

Glenn Beck and his arguably more loathsome morning zoo sidekick Pat Gray falsely asserting that the First Lady's Spain trip cost $75,000 per day.

First, it clearly sounds like Beck and Limbaugh (say nothing of the lapdog old media) is putting the First Family in play, even though I thought they were off limits. So does this mean wives are fair game? Mrs. Beck or Mrs. Limbaugh perhaps?

Second, the First Lady paid her own way, except for the usual security detail which would have been mandatory regardless of whether the trip was to Spain or down the block. So suck it, Beck. And especially suck it, Gray, you jive deejay hack.

Over the weekend, I caught some of author Alexander Zaitchik's appearance on CSPAN discussing his Beck expose Common Nonsense. Zaitchik noted that Beck and his audience are "sub-rational" -- a great word to describe these people. He also said that Beck is taking advantage of the fact that there aren't any more "gatekeepers" among conservatives -- people like William F. Buckley to call bullshit on Birchers and the like. Therefore, Beck, as part of his shtick, is reintroducing names like Skousen into the discourse years after conservative thinkers and historians violently rejected his ridiculous claims. And facts are irrelevant.

Adding... Zaitchik also observed how Beck longs for the olden days -- the Leave it to Beaver 1950s and the like -- an era that was essentially the result of social democratic policies. Liberal Democratic New Deal policies and sustained by comparatively liberal Republicans like Eisenhower who were generally despised by far-right Birchers, the precursors to Beck.