The Media

Super Stupid

Whenever there's a snowstorm or cold weather, Drudge digs up a story about a "global warming" meeting scheduled during the inclement weather. Here's a headline from Drudge's front page today:

'Largest public protest of global warming' in USA faces snowstorm...

Hoo-hoo! The irony! The sweet, sweet irony!

This, naturally, is an effort to ridicule the existence of the climate crisis. Not just the man-made part, which has more or less achieved consensus, but the actual existence of the climate actually changing. It's as if Drudge is saying: "How can there be global warming?! It's cold outside, dontcha know!" Which is sort of like saying: "I don't have cancer, therefore there's no such thing as cancer!"

Of course what he fails to understand (or deliberately misunderstands for the sake of his ideology) is that the climate crisis involves steadily increasing global temperatures -- not just temperatures in Drudge's back yard, but everywhere. Additionally, the dramatic changes will, in fact, cause there to be violently cold winters in some places, as well as alarmingly hot temperatures in other places.

Thank goodness the establishment press doesn't read his super stupid shit.