
Super Stupid

Mike Pence is a dumb stupid:

"Only in Washington," said Rep. Mike Pence, "can you spend a trillion dollars and say you’re gonna save the taxpayers' money.”

Let me explain this slowly for Mr. Pence-bot. Say I have a robot service -- a fleet of Pence-bots who aren't very smart. Glitchy malfunctioning robo-doofs. And so my robot service is falling behind and I'm sinking into debt. Consequently, I decide to replace my Pence-bots with newer, smarter robots. We'll call them Franken 3000s. I pay more for the investment in the near term, but the Franken 3000s are really popular and effective, and my business starts to boom. I'm able to pay off the initial purchase and I begin to make money while paying down my previous debt.

It's high school level economics, Mike Pence. You, sir, are a fucking moron. Either that or you take your voters for fucking morons. I'm not sure which is worse.