Donald Trump

Supreme Court Won’t Protect Trump’s Financial Records

Written by SK Ashby

Good news -- the Supreme Court has blocked Trump's very last chance to prevent prosecutors from combing through his tax returns and other financial records.

Following an unsigned order from the highest court, Manhattan's district attorney will take a trove of information into their possession and begin the long process of reviewing it.

Terabytes of data. Dozens of prosecutors, investigators and forensic accountants sifting through millions of pages of financial documents. An outside consulting firm drilling down on the arcana of commercial real estate and tax strategies. [...]

The crucial next phase in the Manhattan inquiry will begin in earnest this week when investigators for the district attorney’s office collect the records from the law firm that represents Mr. Trump’s accountants, Mazars USA, according to people with knowledge of the matter, as well as former prosecutors and other experts who described the next steps on the condition of anonymity.

The investigators, carrying a copy of the August 2019 grand jury subpoena that was at the heart of the lawsuit, will go to the law firm’s office in New York’s Westchester County. They will leave with a vast trove of digital copies of the returns, reams of financial statements and other records and communications relating to Mr. Trump’s taxes and those of his businesses.

I find it difficult to imagine that prosecutors won't uncover evidence of financial crimes when they examine Trump's records, but it they don't it would be a stunning indictment of our unequal tax code that is rigged for people who already rich.

Or tax code isn't just rigged for the rich, it's also written to keep them rich even if everything they've ever done ended in failure. Trump is just one outstanding example of that.

No one reading this who has ever received support in life; received a stimulus check, secured a tax break, or used a social assistance program should ever feel bad about it. You should never feel bad because we throw hundreds of billions of dollars at rich people through our tax codes every year. We live in the richest country in the world and there's trillions of dollars floating around out there. That one break or windfall you got was huge for you, but it was also insignificant compared to breaks that only rich people can take advantage of in the first place.

The results of the Manhattan district attorney's investigation will tell us far more than whether or not Trump is guilty of a crime.