
Team America : The Tea Party and CNN

Posted by JM Ashby

Are you shitting me?

CNN announced Friday that it has teamed up with the Tea Party Express to host what it is calling a "first-of-its-kind Tea Party presidential primary debate" in September 2011.

The Republican debate will be held during the Labor Day week in Tampa, Florida. In a statement, CNN said the debate will place special emphasis on issues that the Tea Party has been "vocal in advocating," including less government spending, lower taxes and a smaller deficit.

I am nearly speechless.

I haven't tuned into CNN for years and a stunt like this certainly isn't going to persuade me to change my mind. I can only imagine the bigwigs inside Fox HQ are currently scratching their heads trying to figure out why they didn't think of it first. Next up will be the debate over evolution and whether or not the bible is to be taken literally or figuratively.

I would like to point out that CNN is broadcast all over the world and that people in other countries will bare witness to this event. The Onion News Network must be chomping at the bit already.

Where are you, Ted Turner?