
The Gift That Keeps on Giving the Whole Year

Background checks for firearm purchases hit an all-time high this past Christmas season.

"According to USA Today, on that day dealers called the FBI with a total of 154,873 background check requests for shoppers seeking to buy firearms. That's 20 percent more than last year's record of 129,166 calls in one day. Sixty-two percent of the Black Friday requests were for long guns like shotguns or rifles, such as the Bushmaster .223 reportedly used by the suspect in today's shooting in Newtown, Connecticut (a state where you don't need a permit to carry a rifle)."

Here's a proposal for Second Amendment gun fetishists. Keep your firearms, but you have to enlist in the National Guard (the next nearest thing to the 'well regulated militia' noted in the amendment) and your weapons can only be used and kept in accordance with military training and deployment.