
The Republican Medicare Scam and How to Nail Them On It

My Tuesdee column tackles the Republican scam that they're the ones trying to preserve and strengthen Medicare when, in fact, they're trying to slowly destroy it.

Here's the biggest flimflam the Republican Party will try to get away with this year.

Wait. Let's qualify that statement. There are quite a few scams in the works right now from the Romney/Ryan/Republican cabal. Some of the more egregious ones include the one in which Romney pretends he didn't pass healthcare reform that's similar to Obamacare; there's also the one about welfare reform; the one about Ohio early voting and military personnel; the one about the president doubling the deficit, and so forth etc, etc, etc.

But these don't carry the same colossal Orwellian heft as the biggest load of hooey the Romney/Ryan ticket will foist upon us between now and election day. And that's the idea that the Republicans are the true protectors of Medicare, while the Democrats have tried to kill it. Continue reading here...