The Daily Banter

The Republican Medicare Scam, Part 2

My Wednesday column continues the ongoing debunking of the new and insidious Romney lie about the Affordable Care Act and Medicare.

Something hilarious and weird happened yesterday. No sooner had I posted my column here about the Republican Medicare Scam, but Mitt Romney surrogate John Sununu returned to CNN, clipped on a microphone and shouted down Soledad O'Brien with the same crap-on-a-stick that I wrote about yesterday. Specifically, he repeated the whopper lie that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka. "Obamacare") cuts $700 billion from Medicare, implying that benefits were cut.

$700 billion. Keep that number in mind.

Sununu said, “When Obama gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it, the Romney plan does not do that. The Ryan plan mimicked part of the Obama package there. The Romney plan does not. That’s a big difference.”

So let's get this straight. Sununu just said the Paul Ryan Medicare Plan -- the one that Romney said he would've signed into law had he been president -- cuts $717 billion from Medicare? Interesting. Thanks for clarifying, Mr. Sununu. Continue reading here.