Continuing on their campaign to sabotage the Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare," the Trump regime is canceling a program that helps people take advantage of the law.
Contractors in 18 cities will no longer be paid to help people enroll and sign up for plans available on the exchanges.
From the Associated Press:
Community groups say the move was announced to them by contractors last week, and it will further shrink efforts already challenged by a shorter enrollment window and consumer confusion. Some call it an attempt to damage the health law's marketplaces by a president who has made clear his intention to let "Obamacare" fail.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid officials decided not to renew a final option year on contracts with Cognosante and CSRA.
With the federal government canceling programs that help educate people about the law, it will be up to everyone else from average citizens to nonprofits to pick up the slack. No one from Trump's side of the aisle is going to step up.
That's assuming Republicans won't actually manage to repeal the law, but that remains to be seen. Senate Republicans are expected to hold a vote on... something... next week. They still don't know which version of their bill they're going to vote on: the bad version or the really bad version.