
The Axis of Capitulation

The president-elect is meeting with Speaker Pelosi on Monday to outline a strategy for the stimulus package. And of course there are several groups of doofs who are planning to get all up in it.

First, the nearsighted budget hawks who obviously didn't study history:

...Republicans and conservative Democrats are raising concerns about the impact on the federal deficit of spending hundreds of billions on an array of projects with little vetting by Congress.

And the weird McConnell-Reid Axis of Capitulation:

Even if the House votes before Obama's inauguration, passage in the Senate is likely to be more contentious and take longer than in the other chamber. With an ongoing recount in Minnesota's Senate race and the process for replacing Obama in the chamber still uncertain, Democrats can be assured of holding only 57 seats during January, three votes shy of a veto-proof majority.

That'd be filibuster-proof majority -- not veto. But anyway, if the thing is going to be stalled in the Senate, I want the stalling to mean something. Make the Republicans strap on their adult diapers and read recipes without leaning, sitting or bathing their pinkish-hued skin for days on end. No more cloture votes, Senator Reid!