George W. Bush

The Blame Game: We have a winner!


That's "President" Bush on Sunday, in a video conference, getting an update on the size, power, and direction of Hurricane Katrina. It comes, of course, from the White House website. Here's the caption:

President George W. Bush is handed a map by Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, center, during a video teleconference with federal and state emergency management organizations on Hurricane Katrina from his Crawford, Texas ranch on Sunday August 28, 2005. White House photo by Paul Morse

Our Blame Game Winner is talking to National Hurricane Center Chief Max Mayfield. Mayfield told the St. Petersburg Times:

"I just wanted to be able to go to sleep that night knowing that I did all I could do."

I wonder if that's a thought that has ever crossed the coke-fried brain of George W. Bush?

Regardless, I repeat: don't stop at Brownie or Chertoff. Stop at the feckless, moneyed drifter who hired them: George W. Bush. Stop at the war-driven, special-interest serving hack who underfunded levee protection: George W. Bush. Stop at the greenhouse-gas-loving proponent of warm ocean waters that cause destructive hurricanes, Mr. Anti-Science and Anti-Reason himself, the Biggest Buck Passer our nation has ever seen: GEORGE W. BUSH!

HE is responsible. Brownie and Chertoff are small potatoes. This is Bush's doing. Period.